A Letter from Norman Arts Ahead of GO Bond Vote

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The Arts are a huge part of what makes Norman, uniquely, Norman. In these unprecedented times, the Arts have been extremely affected by the repercussions of this pandemic. The major funding for the Arts in Norman comes from 25% of the hotel motel tax collected. This number was projected to be $420,000 for the Arts this fiscal year. As we all know, the Travel and Tourism industry has seen some of the worst impacts. Currently, the Arts portion of this year’s hotel tax collection is a deficit of $80,000. 

Typically, these funds support programs like 2nd Friday, Norman Music Festival, Jazz in June, performances at the Sooner Theatre, arts education in schools, and programs at over 20 arts organizations. As of today – NONE of these organizations expect to receive funding from the hotel tax this year. We are facing the reality some of these programs may never return. However, they and NAC will fight to survive and continue serving the community!

The Norman Arts Council is asking you to join in this fight and vote August 25th for the General Obligation Bond. Norman elections have historically had low voter turn-out, but we would like to stress these four issues affect the quality of life of everyone in our community. Additionally, we would like to share why two of the propositions are of importance to the Arts in Norman. 

Proposition-1 increases the budgets of the remaining Norman Forward projects. This would also increase the budgets for public art for these projects. If passed, this proposition will allow an estimated $800,000 in additional funding for public art. We have already delivered world-class public art to the community as a part of Norman Forward with Splash at the Westwood Swim Complex, Prairie Wind at the East Branch Library, and Unbound at the Central Branch Library. We are currently hard at work on public art projects for Ruby Grant Park and Andrews Park. Imagine the possibilities for public art, accessible for free to everyone in Norman and drawing visitors to Norman, with an additional $800,000 for projects at the new Community Sports Complex in northeast Norman and at Reaves Park, Griffin Park, and the Multi-Sport/Indoor Aquatic Facility!

Proposition-4 would provide $5 million dollars in economic recovery in Norman and could potentially help the Arts due to the lost hotel tax revenues discussed above. While this proposition does not explicitly state which businesses and entities qualify for relief – the Arts are a prime candidate for support considering the decimation of our funding due to COVID-19 and, if eligible, we will apply for relief.

We have experienced Norman without the Music Festival, 2nd Friday, the Medieval Fair, and Jazz in June – the Spring and Summer of 2020 were colorless, the streets of Norman have been without music, and our children’s voices have not projected off of our stages  – we CANNOT accept a future for Norman where this is normal. We ALL must vote to keep the arts alive!

Sincerely, the Board and Staff of Norman Arts Council